Saral Vocational Training & Research Foundation

Showing posts with label Soft Toys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Soft Toys. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

हाउ टू मेक टेडी बेयर (How to Make Teddy Bear from Old Sock)

How to Make Teddy Bear from Old Sock

पुरानी जुराब से Teddy Bear कैसे बनाये 

किसी बच्चे या अपने प्यारे को Teddy Bear देना एक सहज और Common सी बात है, लेकिन खुद के हाथ सी बना हो ये बहुत ही Rare है | तो अगर आप अपने स्किल सुधारना चाहते हो और ट्रेडिशनल टॉय पर्सनल टच के साथ किसी को देना चाहते हो तो ये स्किल इम्प्रूवमेंट ब्लॉग (स्किल इम्प्रूवमेंट blog) आप के लिए है |

Step 1

Using Old Sock (एक पुरानी जुराब ले )

Using Old Sock

जुराब को सीधा करले और नीचे के हिस्से को ऊपर की तरफ कर ले  | एड्डी वाले हिस्से को फोल्ड कर ले 

Lay a sock out so that the flat of the foot is facing upward. This should create a fold at the heel.

Step 2

Cut the Fabric for the Head (जुराब के ऊपरी सिरे को काटो)

जुराब के End Point पर अंगूठे पर circle बनाओ | कटे हुए हिस्से में 1/3 भाग सिर और कान के लिए रखेंगे | 

Draw a circle at the end of the sock, using the curve of the toe as the base.
Add ear at the top of the circle to make the outline of a bear's head. This should not take up more than a quarter of the length of the sock.
Cut the fabric just above the line of the ears.
Once it is cut out, cut off just a sliver of fabric at the very base of the circle to make the hole for the neck.

Step 3

Cut out the fabric for the arms and legs (जुराब के ऊपरी हिस्से को हाथ और पैर के लिए काटो )

जुराब के ऊपरी हिस्से को हाथ के लिए काट लेंगे |

बाकि हिस्से को इस तरह सी Cut करे कि उसमे Body और Legs बना सके |

Just above the heel, you'll see the tube of fabric that goes up the leg.
Starting right after the curve of the heel ends and going until the hem of the sock, visually divide that length in half. Cut at that middle point on the long part of the sock.
The end bit will be divided in two to make the arms. Cut a short split down the middle of the larger piece, until you reach the beginning of the heel. This will form the body and the legs.

Step 4

Stuff and Sew the Head (Teddy Bear का सिर तैयार करे )

सिर वाले हिस्से को Stuffing करके सिल लेंगे 

Flip the head inside out and then use a sewing machine or your hands to sew the top of the head closed. Once it's closed, flip it right side out and then stuff the head with filling. Sew the neck closed when you've reached the desired head size.

Step 5

Stuff and Sew the Body (Teddy Bear की Body तैयार करे)

Body वाले हिस्से को Stuffing करके सिल लेंगे |

Flip the body inside out and then use a sewing machine or your hands to sew the legs closed.
Once they're closed, flip it right side out and then stuff the body with filling.
Sew the neck closed when you've reached the desired body size.

Step 6

Attach the Head to the Body (सिर और Body वाले हिस्सों को मिलाओ)

सिर के निचले और Body के ऊपरी हिस्से को सिल ले |

Sew the head onto the body by hand using a basic running stitch or a saddle stitch.

Step 7

Sew on the Arms (हाथ तैयार करे)

हाथ Stuff करके तैयार करने के बाद Body के साथ अच्छे से सिल ले |

Cut the end piece into two pieces to create the arms.
Sew them partially closed and then stuff them.
Attach them to the body once you are happy with how they look.

Step 8


Teddy के सिर वाले हिस्से के आंख और नाक, धागे और बटन से तैयार करे |

You can sew on button eyes or use embroidery thread to give him a nose.

Now Teddy Bear is ready to present your loved ones. Enjoy!!!

Learn Step by Step How to Make Teddy Bear from Old Sock through Images:-

Step 1

एक जुराब ले  

Step 2

निचले हिस्से को काटे 


एक होल कर ले  

Step 3

टेडी के पैर तैयार करे
Teddy के पैर तैयार करे 

Teddy के पैर और सिर 

Step 4

सिर को Stuff करे 

Step 5

बॉडी को Stuff करे  
Stuff करके सिरा सिल दे 

Step 6

सिर और Body दोनों को मिला ले  
सिर और Body दोनों को मिला कर सिल ले 


Step 7

टेडी की बाजु तैयार करे  
Teddy Bear की बाजुओं को तैयार करके, Body के साथ सिल ले 

Step 8

सिर को धागे और बटन से सवाँरे ले  
Finally Ready for Gift

Enjoy & improve your skills or you can opt it as a profession.

प्लीज, कमेंट जरूर करे |

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

5 Easy Steps to make Soft Toys (Santa Claus)

Soft Toys and Doll making is a popular craft. Making small, cute, fluffy animals for your kids to cuddle, and dolls for them to play with or to decorate your home with is a pastime that gives much happiness and you can earn MONEY to sell out soft toys.


Santa using an eggshell.


  • Egg Shell
  • Cotton
  • Foundation or Rose Power
  • Red Varnish Paper
  • Black and Red Sticking Bindi
  • Glue (Fevicol) or Tape


Step 1:-

Take the eggshell carefully without breaking, by making a small hole at one end and remove the contents.

Step 2:-

Apply rose powder or foundation to the egg shell to give it a rosy look.

Step 3:-

Now take cotton and cut it in the shape of a bread, one narrow strip for the mustache and two small narrow strip for eyebrows.

Stick them in place using glue and some cotton for hair at the sides.

Step 4:-

For cap - take a piece of red paper and make a cone out of it, stick this over the egg shell with glue or by sticking tape at the back.

For eyes use stick small black round papers or bindis and for nose a small round of red paper.

Step 5:-

Make two small holes at the back of the cap on top, pass a string through the holes for hanging.

Now finally you can hang the Santa.

Final Image for process How to Make Soft toys Santa Claus : -